We get to decide how we feel! No one and nothing else! It’s so easy to identify with situations and circumstances we experience that aren’t ideal, and it’s important to allow ourselves to feel whatever we’re feeling, for as long as we need, and without judgement. What’s equally important, is knowing and understanding that we have the power to separate ourselves from those feelings and shift the outcomes as well.
What you focus on determines how you feel, how you perform and how you live. We have to make a conscious effort to focus on things that we desire, and things that bring us joy and peace. So when you catch yourself in a negative thought or situation, consciously decide to shift your focus to something positive in that moment. When you catch yourself talking down on someone or something, consciously decide to shift that conversation. When things happen that are out of your control, focus on what you can control. Check yourself because those fears, limiting beliefs and negative talk deserve no energy! We have greatness to pursue!
Anything that doesn’t feel good, or align with what you want, isn't for you. Know your triggers by observing what makes you feel uneasy or frustrated, what gets you angry…and don’t subject yourself to those things. Unfollow that page, move to the next conversation, distance yourself, pick up a different book, take a different path; whatever you need to do because it’ll only get in the way of everything you want to become.
You get to decide how you feel! Shift your focus!