How to make a Vision Board that ACTUALLY works! | 5min read

How to make a Vision Board that ACTUALLY works! | 5min read

My lovessss

Can you believe it's 2025?! Cause sista, I CANNOT! 2024 was a really good year for me. Of course it was filled with ups and downs but overall it was a year of growth, expansion, clarity and confidence in who I am and what I bring to the table in career, friendship, relationship, lifestyle and even family - and it's manifested in so many ways. It's been beautiful - and it all started out with my 2024 vision board!

I manifested 90% of it and I'm going to share all the tips, practices and routines that helped me get there as we journey together, but today I want to get into my top tips for building a vision board that ACTUALLY works so that you can make 2025 everything you want it to be! If you've never done one or have and didn’t see any results, I'm going to spill the tea on how to create one that DOES work so that this year, you can walk into the life that you truly desire and deserve.

Follow these tips and I promise you it will be a significant step (note, I said step!) to accomplishing the goals and life you set out for yourself. The work to achieve it all still has to be done, but there are so many ways we can make that process easier and more joyful than it is stressful. We're going to dig into all those things in this blog so make sure to subscribe here to get notified when they drop!

Now, let's get straight into it! I encourage you to take your time through these steps and not do it all in one sitting unless you have the time. Take your time to curate this so that it can be a true representation of what you actually want in your life, and you manifest that.

1. Take some time to clarify what you truly want to manifest and experience this year.

Don't be loosey goosey and general with it, carve out time to focus solely on thinking about what you want. Be clear and concise and make it vibey so you can tap into those feels. Play some nice music, light a candle and pour up some wine or tea, even take yourself on a date, or sit by the water and think about the most important areas of your life right now and what you want those to look like. Write or type it out in your notes; in bullet form, sentences or simply brain dump till you have a clear picture.

The below questions will help you with this. Think - career, relationship, health, physicality, experiences/leisure, lifestyle, finances, business - and answer them for the areas you want to be priority in 2025.

  • What do I want to be my reality in this area of my life?
  • What does it look like?
    • Think experiences
    • Routines/practices/habits you'll need to obtain it
    • Results
  • What does it feel like?
    2. Next, think about some key words or phrases that align with that reality, as well as words that you may need reminding of based on the last year you've experienced or things you might struggle with.

    A question to help with this is: What lessons did I learn from last year that I want/need to carry with me into this one? Or, What do I want to embody more of in this next year of my life?

    Some examples might include, 'Acceptance', 'Growth', 'Confidence', 'Health', 'Expansion', 'Discernment', 'Prosperity', 'Trust yourself', 'Understanding', 'Patience', 'Gratitude', 'Grace' - any words that you want to embody in this coming year.

    3. Find and/or create images that align with exactly that!

    Traditional vision board parties have you cut out of magazines and while that’s fun and cutesy, we have to get more precise than that baby. Take your time finding and filling a Word or PowerPoint document with images of everything you clarified in step 1. I did mine over a few weeks. Use Pinterest, Google, IG, Canva..You can even take it a step further and take pictures yourself in the scenario if it's tangible enough. You want your board to look like a real glimpse of your what you want, so make it that.

    For your key words from step 2, search them on Pinterest/Google to find aesthetically pleasing versions of them, create them in Canva or simply type them in your document and play with the fonts and colors until they fit the look you're going for.

    4. Purchase all your materials and set a date to put it all together!

    For the board, you'll need:

    • Poster paper or a canvas; I personally like to use a canvas for my vision board because it's more sturdy and I can place it/prop it up better than poster paper but it's up to you. Find a size that suits you best, and suits where you plan to place it.
    • Stick glue
    • Scissors
    • Everything printed out!

    For the vibe, I want you to really set it up in a way that feels comfortable and good for you; light some candles, put on some vibey music, get you a glass of wine or tea, prep some snacks, and put on something that makes you feel and smell good, like that future version of yourself would. Then get to cutting up all your images and begin placing them on your board. One key suggestion I'd make is to put all the images for each area, together in the same space so that your thoughts are focused every time you see it, as opposed to scatter brain jumping all over the board. This makes it so much easier to see your vision more clearly, visualize them and tap into those feels!

    5. Place it where you'll see it!

    Another key. You want to place your vision board somewhere you'll see it on daily basis. I have some of those sticky tack wall things and hang mine in my bedroom, but you can put it in your bathroom, in front of your mirror, wherever - as long as it's in your sight daily.

    You may not spend lots of time looking at it in depth and that's okay, but seeing it every day even if it's just a quick glance will make a difference, I promise you. It will hold you accountable and remind you of the things you said you wanted which is so easy to lose sight of when life starts lifing; because that will happen too. I just encourage you to prioritize spending a few minutes looking at it with intent and visualizing each area at least once a week or every other week so you don’t lose sight of your goals in the noise of life, and are reminded of what you're working towards!

    So there it is my love! My top tips for creating a vision board that actually works! Over the coming weeks we're going to dig into all the things that will help you manifest that vision board so subscribe here to make sure you don't miss those drops!

    If you're creating your vision board and will be using some of these tips, or have already, let me know in the comments!!

    The next blog post dropping is: An intentional morning routine will change your life! 6 essentials you should consider implementing

    Subscribe here to make sure you don't miss it!

    Love youuuu, k bye!

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